Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ANTM out, Girlicious In

This season of ANTM is decidedly boring. Somehow, Tyra devises some way to get more irritating every episode. It's funny I feel this way now b/c way back when I thought she was amazing (i was young, what can i say?). Anyhoo, today she decides to go on and on about Stacy-Ann's "Paulinaesque's" jaw that i think Polina got irritated. 
As she lets them know that they are going to Rome, in her usual over the top, manic way she blows kisses and yells "ciao bella" (How does she accuse the girl's of overacting with a straight face?).
Second thing that bothered me about this episode - are we really supposed to believe that the producers did not know that Fatima did not have the right documents before the show started?? Her entire "story" has be about the fact that she was a refugee. Somehow, i think that might have rang some bells and whistles in a show that ALWAYS involves international travel.

Basically, this season I'm all about Girlicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lmao.. girlicious oh... boymeetsgirlmeets boy oh.. greys dustpan oh... desperate housegirls oh... law and oluwole order oh... i no interest for any of a big fan of tv... (weird i know... but i really cant be bothered with most of it.. actually i never really watch self to make up my mind. i've had enough of mindless entertainment.. id rather go shopping.. lol)